Hi Families!

Pediatric Sleep Consultant - Sleep Training Seacoast NH

I’m Alecia Kernus, a certified pediatric sleep consultant, teacher, and mom to two toddlers. 


I’ll first share my sleep story with you…

When I brought my newborn son home from the hospital, I was expecting a lack of sleep. Everyone does a good job of preparing you for that! What I wasn’t expecting, was how that lack of sleep was going to make me feel. I wasn’t just exhausted, I was a whole new level of anxious. Not anxious about being a new mom, anxious about BEDTIME. As the evenings would approach I remember getting that sick feeling in my stomach. Oh no, will he sleep tonight? How bad will it be?

After a few weeks of this incredible bedtime anxiety, I decided I HAD to figure out how to get my son sleeping. I devoured books on newborn sleep and started implementing what I learned immediately. Turns out, all those books were right. There IS a way to get a newborn sleeping, and with the right information and guidance, it’s not that hard after all. That little boy of mine quickly turned into an amazing, dependable sleeper, and he has been ever since! Bedtime is no longer a dreaded time, instead, I look forward to it! Hello TV and a couple of hours to hang out with my husband!

When my daughter came along 18 months later, I implemented all of the same strategies, and not surprisingly, she was snoozing in no time. Rockstar sleepers in this house!

Here’s how I can help YOU…

Is rockstar sleeper not what you would call your baby or toddler? Don’t worry- we can fix that!

I specialize in helping children from birth to 5 years old learn to sleep independently. We can tackle a wide range of sleep issues, including trouble falling asleep, night waking, poor naps, early rising, and everything in between!

I understand the frustration, exhaustion, and even hopelessness that can come with sleep issues. But I also know that it IS possible to improve your child’s sleep, and in turn, improve the entire family’s well-being.

I take a holistic approach to sleep consulting. I will work closely with you to understand your child’s individual needs, schedule, your parenting style, and create a sleep plan that is tailored to YOUR family. A plan that will bring you SUCCESS! I offer ongoing support and follow-up to ensure that the plan is working well for the whole family. 

I understand that sleep can be a challenging and overwhelming issue for parents, and I am here to help get you through that. Don’t let poor sleep be a source of stress and exhaustion any longer. Trust me, life’s better on the other side!

I’d love to help you get there.

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Mom, your mental & physical health matter to me. If you're tired and need to sleep, you deserve to.
Certified Pediatric Sleep Consultant

Rest assured I've been trained by the best, but nothing beats my real world experience helping countless families achieve better sleep.

Masters in Education

M.ED University of New Hampshire
B.A. Psychology University of New Hampshire